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Helping Hands

Useful Organisations

As an LGBT+ person you maybe looking for support services, resources and information. There are a number of organisations both locally and nationally that are there to help.


See below for an alphabetical list.

There are also a number of telephone and web chat helplines that you can contact for emotional support, resources and information. 



Dumfries and Galloway LGBT Plus

LGBT Plus aims to empower lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexuals and others questioning or expressing their gender identity and sexuality (otherwise known as LGBT Plus), their families, friends, supporters and allies

Border Womens Aid

Women who support women. Working to create a community where all women & children can be safe and strong, to live empowered lives free from domestic abuse in all its forms.





LGBT Health and Wellbeing

Promoting the health, wellbeing and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT+) adults (16+) in Scotland. Welcoming the entire diversity of our LGBT+ community including non-binary, queer, intersex, asexual people and all identities under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella.



Scottish voluntary organisation for bisexuals and people who think they might be bi. Our volunteers run monthly meetings, occasional social events, campaign for bi pride and visibility, and do outreach and support.




MindOut is a mental health service run by and for lesbians, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer people. Working to improve the mental health and wellbeing of all LGBTQ communities and to make mental health a community concern.




Supports transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children and young people (under 20s), as well as families and professionals 

involved in their care. We also currently offer web chat support to students up to the age of 25.




Asexual Visibility and Education Network

Hosts the world's largest online asexual community as well as a large archive of resources on asexuality.


Strives to create open, honest discussion about asexuality among sexual and asexual people alike.

LGBT Domestic Abuse Scotland

The LGBT Domestic Abuse project works across Scotland to raise awareness of LGBT people's experiences of domestic abuse and improve service responses to LGBT people who experience domestic abuse and other forms of gender based violence.

LGBT Youth Scotland

Scotland’s national charity for LGBTI young people, aged 13–25 years, across the country. They also deliver the LGBT Charter programme to schools, organisations and businesses.




Scottish Borders Rape Crisis Centre

Support, information and advocacy for all women and girls in the Scottish Borders who have experienced rape or sexual violence.






Equality Network

The Equality Network is a leading national charity working for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) equality and human rights in Scotland.

Equality Network also has a comprehensive directory of LGBT+ organisation in Scotland.


Scottish Trans Alliance

Improving  gender identity and gender reassignment equality, rights and inclusion in Scotland. Inclusive of non-binary people. Striving for everyone in Scotland to be safe and valued whatever their gender identity and gender reassignment status and to have full freedom in their gender expression.

LEAP Sports Scotland

LEAP Sports Scotland (Leadership, Equality and Active Participation in Sports for LGBTI people in Scotland) works for greater inclusion for LGBTI people in sport and against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in a sports context.



UK Intersex Association (UKIA)

An education, advocacy, campaigning and support organisation which works on behalf of Intersex people.


Intersex people are individuals whose anatomy or physiology differ from contemporary cultural stereotypes of what constitute typical male and female.

Stonewall Scotland

Stonewall stands for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace (LGBTQ+) people everywhere. To create a world where all LGBTQ+ people are free to be themselves and can live their lives to the full. Fighting for the freedom, equity and potential of LGBTQ+ people everywhere.

Telephone and Web Chat Helplines


LGBT Helpline Scotland can be accessed by phone for those 16+, 0300 123 2523, available Tuesday & Wednesday 12-9pm, Thursday & Sunday 1-6pm.


LGBT Foundation is accessible by phone, 0345 330 3030, Mondays-Fridays 9am-5pm.


Mindline Transline can be reached by  phone at 0300 330 5468, Mondays and Fridays 8pm-midnight.

Also on Wednesdays 8pm - midnight from the start of September 2023


LGBT Switchboard has an online chat available on their website and can be reached by phone, 0300 330 0630, available everyday 10am-10pm.


Mind Out offers a chatline on their website and the hours are updated each time they are available to show when they are online.


Intercom Trust is an LGBTQ charity which offers a helpline available at 0800 612 3010.


LGBT Youth Scotland have online chat available to young people ages 13-25 on their website Mondays and Thursdays from 6pm to 8pm.


Mermaids have phone lines open to young people up to age 20 and their families Mondays-Fridays from 9am–9pm at 0808 801 0400.


Galop offer specialist web chat on their website for LGBT+ people experiencing violence and abuse, including hate crime, sexual violence and domestic abuse, and have phone lines available, 020 7704 2040, Wednesdays and Thursdays 5-8pm.


Dumfries and Galloway LGBT Plus
LGBT Youth Scotland
Border Womens Aid
Scottish Borders Rape Crisis Centre
LGBT Health and Wellbeing
Equality Network
Scottish Trans Alliance
LEAP Sports Scotland
Asexual Visibility and Education Network
UK Intersex Association
Stonewall Scotland
LGBT Domestic Abuse Scotland
Telephone and Web Chat helplines
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